
The CrystalBruxer is one of Peterson Dental’s longstanding products. The solid strength of Full Zirconia is unmatched and virtually fracture-proof in the posterior given proper tooth preparation. With CADCAM technology, contact and occlusion adjusting are limited and virtually nonexistent.

  1. Product Advantages
    1. 100% Solid Zirconia
    2. Color to the core. No white if you adjust
    3. CADCAM Contours and contacts for reduced chair time
    4. Virtually fracture proof
    5. Lifetime warrantee
    6. Low Cost
    7. Great choice over full cast
  2. Indications
    1. Singles (for anterior crowns we recommend Crystal Micro™ or Crystal Fusion™)
    2. Bridges up to 14 units
  3. Contra-indications
    1. Anterior dues to lack of translucency
    2. Less than .5 occlusal clearance
  4. Preparation Requirements
    1. Chamfer or shoulder margin
    2. Minimal .5mm marginal reduction
    3. 1 mm occlusal reduction
    4. NO knife edge margin
    5. NO sharp angles
  5. Cement Recommendation
    1. Cement with resin-reinforced glass ionomer cements, zinc phospate cements, dual-cure resin cements.
    2. Dual cure cements may require increased cement spacer
    3. Do NOT cement with plain glass ionomer cements
    4. Ensure inside of crown clean with Ivoclean.
  6. What to send laboratory
    1. Impression & models
    2. Bite registration
    3. Shade

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