
PMMA Provisonals offer durability and esthetics. PMMA temporaries are milled out of a dense block and do not have the porosity of traditional hand processed techniques, reducing breakage and chair time!

Multi-Layered Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA)

Product Advantages

  1. Unmatched esthetics: Naturally contoured with translucency
  2. Strength: Dense PMMA use for reduced breakage
  3. Less chair time: Easy placement, and fewer appointments needed for repairs or for unsatisfied esthetic patients' appointments


  1. Crowns & Bridges
  2. Veneers
  3. Inlays/ Onlays
  4. Implant temporaries


  1. This is NOT a final
  2. Sensitivity to acrylic resins

What to send to lab?

  1. Impression and models
  2. Bite registration
  3. Shade
  4. Photos
  5. Face bow (if desired)

How are they made?

A technician prepares each cast by reducing enough space necessary for the desired future restoration. The provisional is designed using CADCAM with proper guidance, height of contour, incisal length and contacts in mind. The margin will be placed .5mm below the tissue for minimal adaptation at time of delivery.

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